CODE by Combination Dance


Code is the new dance work from Combination Dance. It explores the current progress and issues in the fight against cancer. Recognising the growing numbers of people affected by cancer, Code provide's insight into areas of pioneering medical research including ‘growth factors’, an area led by Professor Michael Seckl at Imperial College London. Whilst conveying this science through movement, Code reflects the importance of ongoing improvements in different types of cancer treatment and prognosis to those affected, and the hope they each hold.

Code was Combination Dance’s major project in 2013 and is created by Anne-Marie Smalldon, Artistic Director with research support from Imperial College London and Cancer Research UK. Code was presented at five public locations in London and was free to the public. Performance dates included Shine, Cancer Research UK's Night Time Walking Marathon, Community Open Day, St George's Hospital, Imperial Fringe: Your Number's Up at Imperial College London, the Blizard Institute and finally, the National Physical Laboratory.

If you’d like to support the researchers who inspired Code, text CODE75 then your amount £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070.
Or give online:
All funds go to Cancer Research UK’s team at Imperial College into their research for new treatments for cancer.


The Coveryard at Trinity Buoy Wharf, May 2014


Moto E and Moto G Launch. London 13.05.14