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19:30 Tuesday 24 - Saturday 28 November 2015

To book tickets over the telephone please call the New Diorama Theatre box office on 0207 383 9034 or visit

That sad feeling you get after your taken your last bite of chocolate. The last day of the holidays. That idea on Sunday night you could just do with one more day without work...

You can never quite get enough of a good thing can you?

Well neither can The Story Project.

Building on their sold out run of short plays at the Arcola Theatre in January this year, The Story Project are even more hungry to introduce you to their brilliant generation of writers, actors and directors.

The most talented artists will take inspiration from an element they discovered when writing for The Story Project, and then, in one room in one week, they come up with four polished, perfect and parasitically addictive half hour plays for you to peruse at your pleasure.

Come and buy tickets to see the next big thing.

Come and see pressure making diamonds right before your eyes.

Because after all, Chapter 2 is when the story gets really good...

This production is supported by New Diorama Theatre's Emerging Companies Fund.


The Great Yorkshire Fringe

