

Combination Dance were back again for their latest project – Action Potential.

Work with Combination Dance in preproduction to create a video to be projected at the performance to accompany a live dance. On the day, film and photograph to document the event and work with the dancers for a section of the performance to broadcast a specific point of view to a projector for the audience to experience in real time. Edit the resulting footage to create a short overview of the event.


Performed at the MMU for the Manchester Science Festival in October 2015, Action Potential included fun martial arts, contemporary & breakdance followed by interactive games taking us inside a motor neurone all to raise awareness for MND research. The innovative shows ran throughout the day to a number of audiences and featured a projected video that complimented the dancer's movements.


The teams from the Manchester Science Festival and MND Research were very pleased on how the audience responded to the creative way their information was translated by Combination Dance. The footage recorded of the event secured Combination Dance funding to take the performance around the country.

Here are some photographs we took of the performance.


Symphonic Rock - February 2016, Birmingham


The Great Yorkshire Fringe