Action Potential - National Physical Laboratory 2016



Artistic Director Anne-Marie Smalldon created a new dance work inspired by the work of Neuroscientist Dr Rickie Patani and his team at the Patani LabCombination Dance Company join forces with Access Dance and the MND Association.

Dancers and martial arts performers delve inside a motor neurone to explain how scientists think they work. This performance combines interactive dance to join in and enjoy. Established professional artists illustrate the impact of MND on those living with the disease and their families and how MND effects the body.

In July 2016 Combination Dance performed their latest production of this work entitled 'Action Potential' a show that had previously performed well in Manchester in 2015 - More on that here.

The intent of the video was to tell this story and secure future funding.


Interviews with the creators were conducted between the rehearsal and the performance. We filmed and documented as well as being part of the the event itself, working with the dancers for a section of the performance to broadcast a specific point of view to a projector for the audience to experience in real time.

A video to be projected behind the dancers had been created for the 2015 performance (see it here) and had been deemed a success in complementing the accompanying section of dance. A similar video was conceived and added to an earlier section to highlight the scientific terms that the dancers were visually explaining.


An overview of the event that included footage from previous performances which added context and introduced Combination Dance to new audiences. The story of how they have conceived the idea and why they have chosen to work with the subject matter is also conveyed whilst giving an example of the actual performance.

This video is also being used as part of their marketing campaign to advertise their upcoming performance at the Science Museum Lates - details below:

Next Performance: 25th January 2017

Science Museum Lates
Exhibition Rd, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD

7pm – 10pm

Feedback from previous event at Manchester Day, Impfest & NPL:

“The connection the dancers made with the audience. Emotive and well acted”

“Dance, music, words on screen very powerful”

“Serious message put across in a light hearted way”

“Brilliant – perfect combination of accessibility without losing the science”


It Takes Two: A Recital of Favourite Duets


rODIUM. A revisit.