


London's Festival of Korean Music is back with its latest offerings from a stunning range of artistic works that come from Korea. Organised by the Korean Cultural Centre and produced by SERIOUS, the brief was to get new audiences excited and informed and appeal to those who had been before. The video also had to serve as a 'video brochure'  to enable the viewer to book tickets to the event they wanted to see and have a similar feel to the previous year's trailer.


The organisers had filmed a number of the events that had taken place over the past years of the festival. The individual acts performing had also been collating TV appearances and creating music videos for their own benefit. All of this media was collected and the best shots selected and composed in a dramatic fashion to emphasize the written information that needed be included.


Tickets on Sales Now!

From improvisational, ancient, theatrical to modern, K Music showcases between 15 September to 25 October 2017.

This video has been used for marketing purposes and uploaded onto Serious and the Korean Cultural Centre's YouTube channels. It will be shared on their social media feeds.


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