


Combination Dance performed a flash mob dance that happened in Victoria station on the 6th of February 2018, 100 years since women received the vote. (Click here to watch this.) In conjunction with this, an original dance film was to be created based on the same theme within the dance and then premiered at this event.

The focus was on the suffragette Emily Davison and her final act at Epsom Downs Racecourse where she tragically lost her life and how our stories of yesterday still echo through to today's society. More than ever, equality for women needs to be addressed.


The concept was discussed researched by choreographer Anne-Marie Smalldon and performer Chloe Mead. The National ArchivesVictoria Bid and Epsom Downs Racecourse were very happy to be involved in such a project and so a plan was devised. A series of photographs were created throughout the shoot day which started at Epsom Racecourse. Anne-Marie created some material with Chloe who performed in contemporary dress and then repeated in a period costume provided by Mike Lees. Victoria Iglikowski was there as the historical expert to make sure we were accurate to the events that had happened one hundred years ago.

We then took a trip to the National Archives to film the actual documents that have recorded who Emily Davison was, her signature and what happened in Epsom on her last day.

With music composed by Phillip Smethurst we edited together the photos and footage captured to create the above film. From the resulting footage, a teaser for the live event was also created. A portrait version of this trailer below was also created and displayed on the ECN high-definition commercial displays around the area of Victoria station. This was organised by Kate Hart Consulting.



The trailer was shared on social media before the live event and complete film was premiered after the live event on 6 February and followed by a drinks reception in the Grosvenor Hotel Victoria. A selection of VIPs attended including Philippa Bilton, a direct descendant of Emily Davison who spoke about the cause and the importance of the activities of everybody involved. The film and photographs will be used in promotional material on websites and social feeds, and for the company’s affiliates.

More information can be found here.

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Cadogan Hall Film


Cadogan Hall Portrait