



A rare opportunity to see Korea’s traditional opera sung by a legendary Korean pansori singer Ahn Sook-Sun. This was the fourth concert for K-Music 2018 festival, performed at the Southbank Centre and produced by the Korean Cultural Centre and Serious

Pansori is a way of sharing myths, folklore and drama through limitless and passionate vocal-lead music.

Ahn Sook-Sun has previously sung the complete canon of five pansori pieces in their entirety, including Chunhyangga, the most beloved of pansori that lasts a full 8 hours. She has been performing and winning awards internationally for decades.

For K-Music 2018, Ahn sung the entire pansori entitled Heungbuga over the course of approximately three hours. Ahn performed the piece with Jun-Su Kim, who in the summer of 2018 played the role of Helen in Trojan Women to a full-house at the opening of Southbank Centre’s LIFT Festival.


The artists were interviewed on the stage before the show. The questions and answers were asked in Korean and translated for the edit. A two camera set up was used to film the event followed by questions to audience members about their thoughts of the sold-out show. A series of photographs were also captured and previously a trailer for the event had been created using preexisting footage.



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Ensemble E-Do


Urban Sound