The Concept

The first show of K-Music 2019, Jambinai presented Korean traditional music in a new and innovative way. Their ground-breaking post-rock sound that combines folk, metal, jazz and ambient electronic elements in a mix of traditional Korean and modern instruments. With their huge following, they have wowed stages at major rock festivals, including Glastonbury and Robert Smith’s Meltdown. Their third Bella Union record Onda has just been released. We were tasked to film an interview with the artist, the performance from multiple angles, and audience reactions after the show.

The Execution


The Impact

This digital content was used for archiving and marketing purposes and as promotional material in the press and on social media feeds for all associated companies.

'An enthralling post-rock group – imagine Godspeed You! Black Emperor melded with strange and wonderful traditional instruments'


‘Post-punk gusto, summoning a brutalist cacophony that is leavened by passages of exquisite tranquillity and post-rock progression’

★★★★ Q

Korea’s Jambinai impressed with their genre-blurring sound, applying traditional folk instruments to eruptive instrumental drone-rock reminiscent of Sonic Youth’

★★★★ Times

Astonishing audiences at festivals around the world as leaders of the new wave in contemporary Korean music.'

Simon Broughton / Songlines


Harmony of the Sea


Celebrate Pansori - K-Music 2019