
From October 25 2020, Combination Dance takes you on a magical walk through Richmond upon Thames. Follow the map and at various points around the trail, watch mini films or read interesting facts about the stunning local heritage and important links to environmental issues via your smart phone and the website:

An innovative socially distanced performance event that can remain in situ throughout the pandemic. TODDCS, Carbon IT Services and the London Borough of Richmond make up the creative team that helped turn this concept into a reality.



Meeting up with Pam McMillen, Health Walks Co-ordinator for Richmond, at Orleans House Gallery, a route was plotted to find the various points that could be the catalyst for digital content. Heritage, environment and well being were the focus and a step free route was devised.

As part of the preproduction, TODDCS converted this route to an original, to scale map and a poster highlighting the upcoming event. Both of these pieces of design had to be easily readable and printable on consumer printers. The map also had to have a version optimised for mobile devices with clickable links to the content.

Production and Post

Anne-Marie Smalldon choreographed and designed the work that was to be displayed at each point. TODDCS captured these pieces with performers Chloe Mead, Vince Virr and Thomas McCann all dressed in costumes provided by Mike Lees Designs. The following videos were created to be displayed at each point. This content was then combined by Scott Palmer and Combination Dance to create the BIOdance Website.

Press Day

The current Mayor of Richmond upon Thames, Councillor Geoff Acton was one of the first of the parties to experience the walk. TODDCS was there to document the day, speaking to families and individuals who experienced the adventure. The video at the top of this post was created and sent out alongside the press release.


Within the first month the #BIOdance website has had over 700 unique views. The photographs and videos where integral to the piece, used to brand, advertise, structure and convey the ideas from Combination Dance. It became evident that within the social distancing restrictions of 2020, this was an effective way to reach audiences despite the pandemic. More ideas using this format are currently being devised.

#BIOdance is suitable for all ages to boost health & well-being.
Prizes are available for children if you join our competitions, perfect for winter holiday fun.
You can join this fun healthy walk anytime.
We can’t wait to hear about your magical walk adventures.

Post Created by Luke Toddfrey


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ECO - Premiered on YouTube