Jaram Lee and 'The Old Man & The Sea’

The Concept

Interview the artist, film the performance and capture the audience reactions.

The Execution

As a singer and performer of pansori (Korea’s traditional opera) leading name Jaram Lee returns to London with The Old Man and The Sea inspired by Ernest Hemingway's classic masterpiece which premiered in Seoul in 2019.

In The Old Man and The Sea Lee once again shows her greatness as a creator and performer to captivate the fight between the spearfish from the deep under the ocean and the old fisherman. Jihye Park who won the Best New Director of the Donga Theatre Awards, one of the most prestigious awards for theatre production in Korea joins the production alongside the outstanding scenographer, Shindong Yeo.

Composer/singer: Jaram Lee

Director: Jihye Park

Sinographer: Shindong Yeo

Percussionist: Junhyung Lee

Jaram Lee

Jaram Lee has studied under legendary masters Hee-jin Eun, Jeong-suk Oh and Soon Sub Song, who recognised her talent at an early age. She has captivated audiences by writing and composing herself, releasing the only modern pansori, Sacheon-ga and Ukchuk-ga, based on works by German dramatist Bertolt Brecht, which went on to perform in sell-out shows across the world including her performance at Queen Elizabeth Hall in 2012. She also won the Best Actress award at the Korea Musical Awards for Musical Seopyenje, one of the steady seller musicals in Korea.

Her talents don’t stop there as her work includes lead vocals for the Amado LEE Jaram Band, a regular on radio as a DJ presenter, gayageum player, guitarist, composer, writer, and music director. She took the role of Pansori, Music Composer & Music Director for a large changgeuk (Korean opera) work, Farewell My Concubine directed by Wu Hsing-Kuo, one of the highly acclaimed Taiwanese directors of Perking Opera and commissioned by the National Theatre of Korea in 2019.

The Impact

The K-Music program saw a significant boost in both box office sales and social media engagement following the concert, indicating a successful overall performance.

Post Created by Luke Toddfrey


Dongyang Gozupa


Dal:um & ReMidas