
Viva indeed! Las Vegas is a crazy place that everyone must visit once. Or at least pass through on your way to San Fran or LA. Originally a trade route, settlers established a formal city in 1905. Casinos soon sprouted as a result of the influx of workers drawn to the area under the construction of the Hoover Dam. Everyone's gotta spend their money somewhere and the Mafia guys knew this.  The famous strip still grows to this day although Mafia have been replaced by other entrepreneurial types - at least as far as I know anyway...

Many a good time and last dime has been spent here and we were lucky enough to eat drink and be merry in the company of massive sky scrappers and meticulous tributes to cultural hotspots from around the world.

Did we win? - No is the answer but we had a great time!


The Hoover Dam


Great Yorkshire Fringe - Returning 2017