
Throughout 2017 Combination Dance performed their show 'Action Potential' and raised awareness of Motor Neuron Disease at multiple venues across the country.

Originally conceived in 2015, (see here for details) the idea was inspired by the work of Neuroscientist Dr Rickie Patani and his team at the Patani Lab and a collaboration between Combination Dance and Access Dance.

The performance evolved throughout 2016 was shown at the National Physical Laboratory. (See more of this performance here) Which led to this 2017 tour which was also photographed by Scott David Photography.

We were there to capture two of these 2017 performances, the Science Museum Lates and Bloomsbury Theatre.


We filmed and documented the full performance from four camera positions. Interviews and panel discussions were filmed with the creators and scientists.

We were also part of the event itself, working with the dancers for a section of the performance to broadcast a specific point of view to a projector for the audience to experience in real time.

For the last section of the show we created a video that was projected to accompany the dancers as they performed.


The created content was used to document the event and was used in press and promotional material for all associated companies.

“The connection the dancers made with the audience. Emotive and well acted”

Audience Feedback forms

“Dance, music, words on screen very powerful”

Audience Feedback forms

“Serious message put across in a light hearted way”

Audience Feedback forms

“Brilliant – perfect combination of accessibility without losing the science”

Audience Feedback forms


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