K-Music 2023

The Korean Cultural Centre celebrates ten years of the K-Music Concert series.


The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, and the anticipation is palpable as K-Music 2023, a highly awaited series of concerts, draws near. Eve Design created the brand identity for the series and TODDCS was tasked to create a series of trailers for each show and the festival as a whole.

The Execution

With footage provided by each musical group, the trailers were created and variations were strategically distributed on appropriate platforms by the Korean Cultural Centre. This approach ensured that the trailers reached the right audience, maximizing their impact and reach. These included; social media platforms, video-sharing websites and the high-definition portrait LCD screens located across the TfL & National Rail estate hosted by Global.

Instead of dropping all the trailers at once, KCCUK adopted a phased approach to releasing the content. An initial trailer was released to generate buzz and excitement followed by the strategy of unveiling a trailer for each individual show in the lead-up to each respective concert.


K-Music Festival: Opening Concert - Jung Jaeil + LSO: Music From Parasite & Squid Game
SUN 1 OCT 19:30 | Barbican. More Information here.

The Impact

With over 65,000 views for Korean Cultural Centre’s You Tube channel, TODDCS's creation of trailers for K-Music 2023 has demonstrated the power of collaboration, and strategic marketing in the world of music events. By targeting different demographics and expertly rolling out the content, they not only generated massive social media interaction but also translated this buzz into positive box office sales.

Post Created by Luke Toddfrey


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