Sh!t-faced Shakespeare 2024

Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® Present ‘A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’
Premiering in London at Leicester Square Theatre followed by a tour of the UK.


This year, Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® are pouring their legendary cock-eyed chaos into the Bard-shaped vessel that is A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Think drunken donkeys, fan-dangled fairies and mullered mechanicals… it’s hard to imagine anything more magical, right? TODDCS was tasked to create a series of promotional trailers and photographs to capture the show's essence.

The Execution

In collaboration with the Leicester Square Theatre marketing team, each video was created in both landscape format for YouTube and portrait format for Instagram Stories.


Towards the beginning of the rehearsals, we interviewed each cast member and photographed their dance choreography and first read-through. Interview questions were crafted to reveal the performers' personalities, their show's unique aspects, and the creative process behind it.


Filmed and photographed over two nights, the show and audience reactions were captured to create a trailer to be used by Leicester Square Theatre with alternate versions for venues on the UK tour.

The Impact

Box office sales and social media interaction directly increased as a result of the content being distributed through the marketing channels of Sh!t-faced Shakespeare®, Leicester Square Theatre and ANRPR.

"Wherever I looked I saw hands over mouths and bodies bent over, shrieking with laughter."

West End Wilma

"This is no-holds-barred ecstasy in Shakespearean guise, and with a different culprit every night you can always come back for more."

Broadway Baby

"Explosively funny, this is the remedy for anyone who ever thought Shakespeare was dull."



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