N-RICH Dance

The Concept

N-RICH Dance is a welcoming, inclusive, participatory festival for adult dancers to learn from some top dance professionals. TODDCS documented two days of events, interviewing the producers and participants.

The Execution

After two years of social distancing, this festival helped people mix in a joyful, creative and safe way.

At the first location, Richmond & Hilcroft Adult College, participants learnt from professional dancers including award-winning contemporary choreographer Thomas Small and movement and wellbeing expert Kelly Meadows. Bharatanatyam, an Indian classical dance was taught as well as a creative contemporary dance piece. The day concluded with an exclusive performance by Rambert students and Marbill Hill Dance Studio students and ended with the participants sharing the routines they have learned from the workshops.

The Mayor of Richmond Council was in attendance at the second location - Richmond College which hosted workshops from Boundless Arts, Studio K and Marble Hill Dance.

The Impact

Dance is an excellent way to improve health and wellbeing. This was a pilot for a truly unique, diverse & accessible celebration of dance in West London and an amazing day for all who attended. The digital content that TODDCS created will help generate future funding to make next year’s event even bigger.

Post Created by Luke Toddfrey


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