
From 21 June 2021 - #globalmndawarenessday, Combination Dance takes you on a socially distanced performance that can remain in situ throughout the pandemic. Experience this self-guided walk as it takes you through six stunning locations in and around St Pancras International, Kings Cross Station and The Francis Crick Institute, London.

Inspired by groundbreaking research into neuroscience, taking place at The Francis Crick Institute and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU); #STARCELLS uses dance and film to inform and illustrate the science of how the body moves and reacts, the project conveys the impact of neuromuscular diseases in a powerful visual medium that raises awareness of these conditions.

TODDCS was part of the creative team that helped turn this concept into a reality.



A design identity was established to create continuity between multiple pieces - digital and physical. Locations were scouted and a route was devised.

From this, an accessible, printable map was produced. Download the interactive mobile version here.

Production and Post

Combination Dance choreographed and designed the work that was to be displayed at each point. TODDCS captured these pieces and accompanying photographs. Costumes we provided by Mike Lees Designs. The following videos were created to be displayed at each point. This content was then presented by Carbon IT Services as the website;

Location Two - A look inside a Star Cell.

Location One -Filmed to simulate a mobile phone.

Location Four - A solo dance piece.

Location Three - Interviews with the scientists.

Location Six - A group dance performance.

Location Five - Conversations at MMU.

Press Day

Combination Dance and performers from Rambert created a signature ensemble piece that launched this experience. TODDCS and Scott David Photography were there to document the reception.


This was then taken on tour to create awareness of TODDCS and Scott David Photography documented the Richmond performances.


Within the first month, has had over 1000 unique views worldwide. The flashmob finale that toured Richmond during the summer of 2021 generated over 17,500 views of content featured by local newspapers. The public gave positive feedback, some even shed a tear whilst others clapped along to the uplifting finale. Articles from external publications documented the event.

Using the impetus from the Star Cells projects in 2021 & 2022, Combination Dance intends to further its work by making the MND Dance Challenge into an ambitious annual event to find the next generation of creative and physical movers. This will include live & virtual performances across a number of sites as well as pupils working with volunteer educators to raise awareness by holding workshops on the day.

The photographs, video and graphics were integral to the piece, used to brand, advertise, structure and convey the ideas from Combination Dance. It became evident that within the social distancing restrictions of 2021, this was an effective way to reach audiences despite the pandemic.


Open the map and enjoy walking this incredible route. Alternatively, you can enjoy a virtual experience in the comfort of your own home on a computer. This promenade experience celebrates a number of beautiful inner-city locations, whilst raising awareness of the world-class science and culture on its doorstep. STARCELLS is a celebration of inclusivity, diversity and togetherness. This performance is in support of a fantastic charity, the MND Association.

Special thanks to all the professional dancers and Luke Toddfrey from TODDCS, Scott Palmer from Carbon IT ServicesMike Lees Designs, Ricki Patani from The Patani Lab, Emma Hodson-Tole from MMU, Karen Palmer from Access DanceSt Pancras InternationalThe Physiological SocietyRambert School, composers Mark Franks and George Blake, The MND Association and The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

Post Created by Luke Toddfrey


ADG7 - K-Music 2021


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